Comment 2 for bug 982119

Revision history for this message
Russel Winder (russel) wrote :

I have branched the gtk3 branch and edited the debian/control file so as to create a deb file that installs. However, when I try and run it:

ERROR:root:Could not find any typelib for Wnck
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/genesis-sync", line 25, in <module>
    from gi.repository import Wnck
ImportError: cannot import name Wnck

So I guess there are some other dependencies needed?

I guess though this is not the right thread to continue this issue.

The syncevolution-evolution dependency fail appears to have gone away on it's own, but I did install syncevolution-dbus and syncevolution-http in the interim. So it seems that a dependency is missing to avoid the initial error.