Comment 9 for bug 971585

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Stephen Besch (sbesch) wrote :


The real problem is that Component documentation is still broken! Having all documentation in one massive folder - even if it is in the user's home directory - just does not cut it. I am also curious to know exactly how I "BROKE: api backwards compatibility?? I was absolutely fastidious about NOT removing or changing anything that was already in the code in any way that would make existing code break - even if it appeared to NOT ever be used. Did you just assume that adding a function to fetch the symbol's folder of residence would break the API? Did you actually TEST it. Are you sure that It didn't break FORWARD compatibility??

The problem for me now is that I just updated and recompiled the latest git release and discovered that all of my documentation requests are again bumping out the the WEB and ignoring all local documents. I still believe that the only rational way to handle the Documentation issue is to put them into the same folder as the symbol itself.

Now I am left with re-applying my own modifications and running a personal - patched - version which will get creamed every time I update. Thanks

Stephen R Besch