Comment 3 for bug 900122

Revision history for this message
nacorn (acorn) wrote :

(Sorry for slow reply)

Still crashes. Here are repro steps:

1) press i (brings up component window)
2) select "4000-series logic" and "4000-1.sym"
3) place 2 "4000-1.sym" onto the schematic
4) press ESC to stop adding components
5) In the "Select Component..." window click "close"
6) place the mouse cursor over pin 6 of the first 4000-1.sym that you placed
7) type "AN" to start adding a net
8) move the mouse (the net you are adding follows the cursor)
9) Press CTRL-X --- the app crashes and (in the xterm where I ran it) I get the message:

(gschem:11262): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_set_valist: construct property "type" for object `Log' can't be set after construction
ERROR:o_net.c:688:o_net_motion: assertion failed: (w_current->inside_action != 0)