Comment 4 for bug 849247

Revision history for this message
Peter TB Brett (peter-b) wrote :

> I had the promote stanza working in my local gschemrc for years and
> assumed all settings that work in local gschemrc should be mentioned
> in system-geschemrc. What is the reason for putting this setting in
> gafrc?

"promote-invisible" is a setting in libgeda that affects the way symbol
instantiation occurs. Because the option affects libgeda directly and
the code for handling the option is in libgeda, it is put in gafrc.
There are several examples of options like this that *could* just be
per-application settings, but are library-wide for historical reasons.

> Skipping through system-gafrc, there are settings that are even more
> gschem specific. Most significant is loading the colormap.

The print colour map is not gschem-specific. The display colour map
is. That is why the display colour map is loaded through
"system-gschemrc", and the print colour map through "system-gafrc".

> I am confused. What is the intended scope of gafrc vs gschemrc? The
> gschem manual is not very enlghtning at this, either.

"gafrc" options affect the behaviour of every application that uses
libgeda. "gschemrc" options affect the behaviour of only gschem. In an
ideal world, "gafrc" would be empty.

I hope that answers your question.