Comment 5 for bug 700448

Revision history for this message
Eivind Kvedalen (eivind-z) wrote :

The attached patch tries to improve the error handling when reading schematic files. See patch comment for details. It is intentionally much less tolerant to errors, and will fail and report errors in more cases than the current version (which will only dump messages to stderr, and happily continue parsing).

This is only a partial fix, and needs comments. Especially:
* libgeda/src/scheme_page.c: Most likely not correct reporting string (I'm not very familiar with guile)
* gschem/src/o_complex.c: May be improved more; see FIXME comment.

Also, this patch does not fix any reported segfaults occurring when reading non-gschem format files such as Eagle files. I think this is a separate issue, and should have its own patch.