Comment 2 for bug 699813

Revision history for this message
Peter TB Brett (peter-b) wrote :

The "syntax and semantics" have already been clearly defined, and the necessary APIs for working with them have already been implemented in libgeda (the EdaConfig class in the C API, and the (geda config) module in the Scheme API). They were released in 1.9.0.

The configuration is stored using the standard key-value file format ( There are system, user and per-project configuration files. If you are running gEDA/gaf 1.9.0 or a more recent git version, the `gaf config' tool can be used to inspect and modify the gEDA configuration (see `man gaf'). This may be a good solution for programs that wish to use the gEDA configuration store without implementing a full .desktop parser (e.g. shell scripts).