Comment 1 for bug 698801

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nobody (nobody-users) wrote :

This automatic "Manhattan Style"/rectilinear net/connection should have a high priority. In fact, I'm surprised to see that it was not an essential and fundamental element of the schematic editor.

Where the primary purpose of the schematic editor might be the generation of a "visually canonical" schematic, which is easy to read and interpret, rather than simply the generation of a netlist for the purpose of circuit simulation, then the ability of the editor to maintain rectilinear connections when moving components and blocks of components is very important.

Furthermore, adding and removing vertices to or from a net connection should be easy, with a minimum number of "clicks" - at least easier than simply redrawing the connection.

Also, there should be a mode display, showing the status of the "rubberband" mode - "off", "direct", and "rectilinear".