Comment 4 for bug 698607

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davidplanella (davidplanella) wrote :

Thanks Peter for your reply.

> Is it possible your theme is buggy, or that you have a gtkrc file
> which overrides settings for gschem? Do toolbars in other apps (e.g.
> gedit) look OK?

My mistake. Comparing it with gEdit, it seems that the toolbars in both applications are correctly shown in light gray. What might have confused me is the slightly different appearance of the gEDA toolbar, as by looking at the attached screenshot it looks smaller than the GNOME standard ones - not a bug, just an observation.

What still looks a bit out of place is the separator next to the File menu, as it is shown in light gray unlike the rest of the menu. Is that separator really needed? It seems that other GTK applications don't make use of it.

Thanks for looking into this!