Comment 3 for bug 1501877

Revision history for this message
Sergey Stepanov (no-such-process) wrote :


> I've merged your branch into master

It was too premature. I planned to put fixups in that branch, so you or other maintainer can review them and cherry-pick particular commits that worth it. You see, I, as a new developer, have to spend a plenty of time to dive into sources, so I concidered that fighting these simple bugs would be a good start. Anyway, done is done, thank you.

> Does the fixed block in commit 4cc1c7c do anything?

I thought this commit will fix one annoying bug I see every day, but I failed.

> Do you consider it worth to have it opened here, which might continue forever while we are writing code?

Well, why not? There is the receipe to collect bugs, the thorough list of automatically found bugs. Maybe they are deals with already registered bugs. (Or do you mean, that this bugreport should be opened in other LP project?)

> Wouldn't it be better to just fix the bugs you see in the master branch?

Maybe yes, maybe no, I don't know. You merged the obvious and trivial pathes, but others are not so trivial, and may require more work (or rework). So, this branch was a sandbox for my patches.