Comment 19 for bug 1485199

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Richard Rasker (rasker-a) wrote : Re: [Bug 1485199] Re: gschem: window redrawing problem related to right side bar
  • config.log Edit (145.9 KiB, text/x-log; name="config.log"; charset="UTF-8")

Vladimir Zhbanov schreef op ma 14-09-2015 om 08:50 [+0000]:
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 11:35:16PM -0000, Richard Rasker wrote:
> > Hello Vladimir,
> >
> > I just noticed yet more strange behaviour related to gschem's status bar
> > and sidebar problems:
> >
> > 1. Click on a .sch file to open it in gschem.
> > [gschem opens the file with the sidebar and the status bar visible]
> > 2. Choose File -> Print
> > 3. Select 'Print to File', PDF format
> > 4. Adjust the default name to reflect the project's name(*)
> > 5. Click Print.
> >
> > And ... nothing happens. No PDF file appears.
> >
> > 6. Close either the sidebar or the status bar; or trigger the window
> > redraw bug, and click/scroll in the main viewport.
> > 7. The PDF file now appears after all.

> Where does it appear then?

It appears where one would expect it: in the folder specified in the
Print dialog.

> (All this behaviour is very strange and looks like some problems with
> gtk+ redrawing in your environment. Perhaps, some events are lost for
> some reason.)
> Could you provide us with your config.log?

See attached file. Interestingly, I see some 'unknown' system parameters
as well 'fatal error' messages in there, yet ./configure and make do not
throw any error messages. But that is as far as my knowledge goes. I
hope that this log file is more informative to you.

The strange thing that I already mentioned previously is that I can
reproduce all this behaviour on a completely different machine: an
elderly laptop, with a completely different graphics system, and 32-bits
instead of 64-bits.
The only thing being the same is the Mint 17 Linux distribution, so
perhaps there's something amiss there in the X Server system, maybe the
bit dealing with the actual hardware (since the bug could not be
reproduced in a VM).

> > Perhaps this gives some more clues.
> >
> > *: It would be nice if the 'Print to file' name reflected the .sch name
> > already, instead of the generic Print name -- but OK, that's a minor
> > annoyance.
> Please open another bug for this.

OK, will do, although it's not a big deal.

Anyway, thank you and all those other developers for all your time and
hard work providing the world with great software! I think this can't be
said often enough -- notwithstanding the occasional bug, I'm a very
happy user of this stuff, every single day!

Best regards,

Richard Rasker