Comment 0 for bug 1324687

Revision history for this message
Jeff Fillmore (fillmorejd) wrote :

Getting a null character in workload from http:

Workload send: {"sessionId":"7ov8h862mhqpsilga4e4i3eet5"}

Hex from php:
0000 00 7b 22 73 65 73 73 69 6f 6e 49 64 22 3a 22 37 .{"sessi onId":"7
0010 6f 76 38 68 38 36 32 6d 68 71 70 73 69 6c 67 61 ov8h862m hqpsilga
0020 34 65 34 69 33 65 65 74 35 22 7d 4e4i3eet 5"}

No null character in workloads from php or nodejs.

I know in php a simple trim fixes this but I believe the Null character shouldn't be there.