Comment 10 for bug 536712

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Growlf (growlf) wrote :

1) Excellent, good to hear :)

2a) ahh. Yep. I see the reason. I was over zealous in removing code that I thought was not needed any more. It appears XSplash is hard coded at the moment to use those image names, and so symlinks are needed after all. I will put this in the next bugfix release in the next day or so.

2b) hmm. THAT is odd. I do think I know why though - and it needs to be fixed ASAP. I just confirmed that it exists on a fresh box. I am going to make a new bug for this, so that we can track the issues better.

2c) This is directly related to 2b, and will be resolved shortly.

Thank you Steve! Your assistance is very valuable and appreciated. At the moment I am missing a third-person-tester (as of last week) and so bug reports with complete information allow me to more rapidly address issues I have missed.