Comment 0 for bug 1408835

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SuperScript (superscript18) wrote : polish gala workspace switching animations

What do you think about the following animation fixes? These are just a few places where Gala's awesome animations don't quite make sense or are a little jarring.

Proposed animation changes:
- Fade out Plank, Wingpanel, "Always on Visible Workspace" windows, and Conky (if possible) when entering Multitasking View or Window Overview. Their abrupt disappearance doesn't look very smooth.
- Don't fade in/out "Always on Visible Workspace" windows when switching workspaces (Super+Left / Super+Right). Just sliding makes more sense and the fade seems unnecessary.

I totally love how many animations Gala has and I think these would be great additions to the fluidity of the interface.

What does the community think about animating these areas?