Comment 16 for bug 1154696

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Brandon Taylor (raisonbran648) wrote : Re: Alt-Tab window switching behavior

I'm having similar issues with Alt-Tab. I would like to disable the visual effect of hiding all background windows when alt tabbing. It's disorienting to me.

I think it would be best to temporarily bring the "focused" tab window to the front so you can see it, but do not animate hide any other windows in the background. This allows you to visually see the programs you are cycling through, but does not disorient or jar users switching at higher speeds.

For example when quickly tabbing from a fullscreen browser window to a calculator, the browser is quickly animated and faded out and then immediately pops back to where it was, now with the calculator on top. This is a good effect if you tab slowly and reduces clutter, but for faster tabbing it becomes disorienting and unappealing. for that reason I think it should be an option that can be disabled.