Comment 6 for bug 1554970

Revision history for this message
Ilya Shakhat (shakhat) wrote :

The following one-liner can be used to measure the overall CPU consumption by lshw process on OpenStack node:

# atop -r /var/log/atop/atop_current -P PRC | grep "\b00:..:" | grep lshw | awk '{s+=$11} END {print s/3600}'

The performance signinficantly depends on number of CPU sockets, cores and PCI devices:

 * KVM host (1 core, 6 net ifs, 1 RAM slot):

root@node-1:~# atop -r /var/log/atop/atop_current -P PRC | grep "\b00:..:" | grep lshw | awk '{s+=$11} END {print s/3600}'

 * HW host (2 sockets, 48 cores, 8 net ifs, 16 RAM slots):

root@node-77:~# atop -r /var/log/atop/atop_current -P PRC | grep "\b00:..:" | grep lshw | awk '{s+=$11} END {print s/3600}'

 -- it means that lshw process is running in average half of time, which is doubtful.

Taking above into account return the bug into Confirmed state with High priority.