Comment 12 for bug 1405549

Revision history for this message
Maksym Strukov (unbelll) wrote :

Env: ubuntu (3 controllers + 3 computes)

1. ssh to one of the slave nodes
2. run curl to vip management ip

while :; do curl -s -w "%{http_code} %{time_total}" -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"auth":{ "identity":{"methods":["password"],"password"
:{"user":{"name":"admin","domain":{"id": "default" },"password": "admin"}}}}}' -o /dev/null; echo; sleep 1; done

sample result:
201 0.108
201 0.110
201 0.093
201 0.102
201 0.103

3. shutdown one of controllers (shutdown -P now)

sample result from curl:
201 1.080
201 0.391
201 0.102
201 0.110
201 0.303
201 0.123
201 0.107
502 0.689
201 0.133
201 0.158
503 3.005
201 0.101
201 0.093
503 40.004
201 0.205
201 0.127
201 3.188
201 3.135
201 0.304
201 0.110
201 3.186
201 0.122
201 3.098
201 0.105
201 0.102
201 0.177
201 0.094
201 3.108
201 3.101
201 3.124
201 3.105
201 3.128
201 0.148
201 0.214
201 0.086
201 0.101
201 0.090
201 0.157
201 0.092
201 3.118
201 0.095
201 3.112
201 3.141
201 3.173

Expected result:
No changes in delays if one of controllers shutted down

Actual result:
Delay changed from 0.1s to 3s (in 30%)