Comment 4 for bug 1407675

Revision history for this message
Ryan Moe (rmoe) wrote : Re: Deployment of simple centos cluster failed with (/Stage[main]/Osnailyfacter::Cluster_simple/Nova_floating_range[]) Could not evaluate: The server returned status 403

nova-api returned a 403 because compute_extension:floating_ips_bulk requires the admin role. The novaSimpleFlat user (admin user from settings tab) did not have the admin role added until 7 seconds after the attempt to configure the floating IPs.

2015-01-03T02:27:22.950945+00:00 info: (/Stage[main]/Osnailyfacter::Cluster_simple/Nova_floating_range[]) Starting to evaluate the resource

2015-01-03T02:27:29.742637+00:00 notice: (/Stage[main]/Keystone::Roles::Admin/Keystone_user_role[novaSimpleFlat@novaSimpleFlat]/roles) roles changed ['_member_'] to 'admin'