Comment 6 for bug 1395658

Revision history for this message
Matthew Mosesohn (raytrac3r) wrote :

This bug should be applied to both 6.0 and 5.1.1 for a number of reasons.

Dmitry, these bugs are related because running puppet with host manifests mounted interferes with upgrades. Here's the situation:
1 - in 5.1 /etc/puppet/modules is 5.1 manifests
2 - upgrade host to 5.1.1 and /etc/puppet/modules is still 5.1 manifests (5.1.1 goes to a new directory)
3 - restart new 5.1.1 rsync container and puppet applies
4 - 5.1.1 rsync container ends up applying 5.1 manifests and breaks things because it's essentially downgrading itself

The initial solution I wanted was just so get the fuel_upgrade utility to just update the symlink, but that was categorically rejected as the wrong solution. The next approach I took was to mount host puppet manifests inside rsync container under /puppet, but that was broken in 6.0 (but not 5.1.1) because of . I still got pushback on this patch too, even though most agree with it and it will eventually be merged. The next approach was which also would have solved this. It was met initially with resistance as well, but should now be accepted.

I sent an email detailing this to you Dmitry regarding our situation earlier on Monday.