Comment 1 for bug 1693414

Revision history for this message
Derek Leuridan (leuridan) wrote :

All nodes are finished. Failed tasks: Task[node_reboot/11] Stopping the deployment process!


2017-06-06 18:56:48 INFO [2394] Casting message to Nailgun:
      "summary"=>{"task_summary"=>"Node 11 was rebooted with result: failed"},
      "error_msg"=>"Task node_reboot failed on node 11"}]}}

2017-06-06 18:56:48 WARNING [2394] Validation of node:
{"uid"=>nil, "progress"=>100}
 for report failed: Node uid is not provided

2017-06-06 18:56:48 WARNING [2394] Validation of node:
{"uid"=>"master", "progress"=>100}
 for report failed: Task status provided '' is not supported; Task name is not provided
2017-06-06 18:56:48 WARNING [2394] Validation of node:
{"uid"=>"11", "progress"=>100}
 for report failed: Task status provided '' is not supported; Task name is not provided
2017-06-06 18:56:48 INFO [2394] Cluster[]: All nodes are finished. Failed tasks: Task[node_reboot/11] Stopping the deployment process!
2017-06-06 18:56:48 WARNING [2394] Cluster[]: Setting the deployment to gracefully stop. Reason: fault_tolerance: Node[11]{Status: failed Tasks: 5/5 CurrentTask: node_reboot, task status: failed}
2017-06-06 18:56:48 WARNING [2394] Cluster[]: Fault tolerance exceeded the stop conditions [{"fault_tolerance"=>-1, "name"=>"zero_tolerance_as_default_for_nodes", "node_ids"=>["master"], "failed_node_ids"=>["11"]}]
2017-06-06 18:56:48 INFO [2394] Node[11]: Finished task Task[node_reboot/11] with status: failed
2017-06-06 18:56:48 WARNING [2394] 70009c3a-565c-45ed-a70b-c9c2aa636fe6: node_reboot failed becausereboot timeout 180 expired
2017-06-06 18:56:48 WARNING [2394] 70009c3a-565c-45ed-a70b-c9c2aa636fe6: Failed to run shell command 'stat --printf='%Y' /proc/1' on node 11 with timeout 2. Error will not raise because shell was run without check
2017-06-06 18:56:46 WARNING [2394] 70009c3a-565c-45ed-a70b-c9c2aa636fe6: Failed to run shell command 'stat --printf='%Y' /proc/1' on node 11 with timeout 2. Error will not raise because shell was run without check
2017-06-06 18:56:44 WARNING [2394] 70009c3a-565c-45ed-a70b-c9c2aa636fe6: Failed to run shell command 'stat --printf='%Y' /proc/1' on node 11 with timeout 2. Error will not raise because shell was run without check
2017-06-06 18:56:42 WARNING [2394] 70009c3a-565c-45ed-a70b-c9c2aa636fe6: Failed to run shell command 'stat --printf='%Y' /proc/1' on node 11 with timeout 2. Error will not raise because shell was run without check
2017-06-06 18:56:40 WARNING [2394] 70009c3a-565c-45ed-a70b-c9c2aa636fe6: Failed to run shell command 'stat --printf='%Y' /proc/1' on node 11 with timeout 2. Error will not raise because shell was run without check