Comment 1 for bug 1680176

Revision history for this message
Alexander Evseev (aevseev) wrote :

cinder has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 9.1.3, and from changelog: 9.1.2.`

sahara-dashboard has no spec for 10.0/newton

python-keystoneclient has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 3.5.1, and from changelog: 3.5.0.`

oslo.config has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 3.17.1, and from changelog: 3.17.0.`

os-brick has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 1.6.2, and from changelog: 1.6.1.`

neutron-lbaas has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 9.2.0, and from changelog: 9.1.0.`

neutron has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 9.3.0, and from changelog: 9.2.0.`

neutron-fwaas has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 9.0.1, and from changelog: 9.0.0.`

keystonemiddleware has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 4.9.1, and from changelog: 4.9.0.`

keystoneauth has outdated spec - `Latest version from Gerrit tag: 2.12.1, and from changelog: 2.12.3.`

Looks like a work for packagingi team...

The latest issue - is not merged because automatic merge works only for topics like `sync/stable/...` but this CR has custom topic