Comment 0 for bug 1660758

Revision history for this message
Rudy McComb (rmccomb) wrote :

The controller nodes in my environment were rebooted during a failover test and when they returned online they were set back to the bootstrap mode. The solution for this problem is to set the "netboot-enabled" flag to "false". This can be accomplished by running the following command for each affected node that experienced this unexpected behavior.

1. Disable PXE boot behavior of the system in Cobbler:

# dockerctl shell cobbler cobbler system edit --name=<insert_name_of_your_node> --netboot-enabled=false

2. Confirm that the changes have taken place correctly:

#dockerctl shell cobbler cobbler system report --name=<insert_name_of_your_node> | grep -i "Netboot enabled"

Has anyone else experienced this in an MOS 8.0 MU3 patched environment?