Comment 13 for bug 1640814

Revision history for this message
Stanislaw Bogatkin (sbogatkin) wrote :

Alexei, what exactly do you suppose to improve?

>Please remove the hard-coded timeout
And what's next? Which deployment time is okay? Are 10 minutes okay? 100 minutes? A year? It can cost you an age if you have network connection slow enough - but customers rather wanted to see an error than wait too long time.

>improve the error messages.
Don't be vague, please. Propose your improvement idea and dev team will definitely looks at it. Now error messages are standardized across whole deployment process.

>Improving network link is not something customers can do (or want to do)
>puppet tries to (dist-)upgrade *all* packages, and 10 minutes might be not enough for that
We have a documentation to create local package mirrors exactly for such cases. And many customers who cannot have fast internet connection for some reasons, creates and uses these mirrors. And it looks completely okay. Why do you want to change this behavior?