Comment 0 for bug 1640771

Revision history for this message
Vladimir Jigulin (vjigulin) wrote :

Test steps:
        1. Check required image.
        2. Revert snapshot 'ready_with_3_slaves'.
        3. Create a Fuel cluster.
        4. Update cluster nodes with required roles.
        5. Deploy the Fuel cluster.
        6. Run OSTF.
        7. Backup astute.yaml and ssh keys from compute.
        8. Boot compute with OL image.
        9. Prepare node for Puppet run.
        10. Execute modular tasks for compute. <= Fail
        11. Run OSTF.

Expected results: All services are up and available

Actual result:
Test failed with error
Expected service count is 5, but get 4 count, actual list [<Service: nova-cert>, <Service: nova-consoleauth>, <Service: nova-scheduler>, <Service: nova-conductor>]

On controller:
nova-compute not present in "nova-manage service list":

On compute:
[root@ol-1 ~]# yum list installed|grep nova
python-novaclient.noarch 1:3.3.1-2.el7~mos1 @mos
[root@ol-1 ~]# yum list|grep nova-compute
openstack-nova-compute.noarch 1:13.0.0-3.el7~mos43 mos

similar bug:
ci fail: