Comment 12 for bug 1634706

Revision history for this message
Daniel (ddanielr) wrote :

Attempting to do an install using the fuel 9.0 community stable release also fails.

When attempting to install fuel 9.0 on a Dell R710 the puppet install fails when attempting to install the python-openstackclient package stating a dependency conflict.

Error: Package: 1:python-openstackclient-2.2.0-1.el7~mos2.noarch (mos9.0-updates)
           Requires: python-openstacksdk >= 0.8.1
           Available: python2-openstacksdk-0.7.4-1.el7.noarch (mos)
               python-openstacksdk = 0.7.4-1.el7

After further review it appears that yum is selecting the python-openstackclient-2.2.x package instead of the python-openstackclient-2.1.x package and this is causing dependency issues.

Explicitly installing the 2.1.x version of the python-openstackclient package is successful.

Also, disabling the mos9.0-updates.repo removes the offending package version

Attached is my install log file.

Steps to replicate:

1. Download fuel 9.0 community iso
2. Mount using iDRAC virtual media and boot virtual media
3. Select fuel install option 1
4. Verify that network settings are correct & press F8 to start the installer
5. Puppet install fails.