Comment 1 for bug 1626476

Revision history for this message
Alexandra (aallakhverdieva) wrote :

+ minor update:
now it's not possible to use -f for grap execute:
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel2 graph execute -t custom -e 1 -f --noop -n 3
usage: fuel2 graph execute [-h] -e ENV [--force] [--trace]
                           [--dry-run | --noop] -t GRAPH_TYPES
                           [GRAPH_TYPES ...] [-n NODES [NODES ...]]
                           [-T TASK_NAMES [TASK_NAMES ...]]
fuel2 graph execute: error: unrecognized arguments: -f

It's minor because --force flag is OK, but previously both -f and --force were workable