Comment 0 for bug 1625716

Revision history for this message
Andrew Kalach (akndex) wrote :

During Rally test suite run on big scale.
On Fuel master node where discovered large number of tftp processes:

  [root@fuel ~]# ps auxwwwwf | grep in.tftp | wc -l
  [root@fuel ~]# w
  16:47:00 up 4 days, 22:58, 8 users, load average: 119.04, 139.14, 92.04

which causes loading system and slowing down of "Nova_create_and_delete_secgroups" test.

It was found that two nodes which weren't included in the cluster and weren't discovered by Fuel
but resided in the lab environment constantly generated error messages: "Could not find kernel images".

After that nodes were powered off the tftp processes released.

Conclusion: expected behavior - cluster shouldn't be affected by some nodes which aren't included into the cluster. Undiscovered nodes shouldn't create pefromance impact on the Fuel master node.