Comment 2 for bug 1619740

Revision history for this message
Roman Podoliaka (rpodolyaka) wrote :


Please note the error message

2016-09-06 03:15:04.361 11507 ERROR oslo_service.service OperationalError: (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 'services.last_seen_up' in 'field list'") [SQL: u'SELECT services.created_at AS services_created_at, services.updated_at AS services_updated_at, services.deleted_at AS services_deleted_at, services.deleted AS services_deleted, AS services_id, AS services_host, services.`binary` AS services_binary, services.topic AS services_topic, services.report_count AS services_report_count, services.disabled AS services_disabled, services.disabled_reason AS services_disabled_reason, services.last_seen_up AS services_last_seen_up, services.forced_down AS services_forced_down, services.version AS services_version \nFROM services \nWHERE services.deleted = %s AND = %s AND services.`binary` = %s \n LIMIT %s'] [parameters: (0, '', 'nova-osapi_compute', 1)]

^ you must be running tests *before* migration scripts have been applied.

E.g. this particular column is added in migration #294:

nova-* services *must not* be started before "nova-manage db sync" has completed successfully.

Please check your job template - looks like you try to use services too early, when they have not been properly configured yet (one might also argue that services must not be even started before Puppet manifests finished applying of the configuration).