Comment 3 for bug 1619302

Revision history for this message
Stanislaw Bogatkin (sbogatkin) wrote :

It works on my local env.

[root@nailgun ~]# fuel node
id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | roles | pending_roles | online | group_id
 1 | ready | Untitled (02:d8) | 1 | | 5a:2e:8d:4e:ab:d9 | controller | | 1 | 1
 3 | provisioned | Untitled (3a:04) | 3 | | 64:4b:8f:9b:3a:04 | | controller | 1 | 3
[root@nailgun ~]# cat > /tmp/new_graph.yaml
- id: test_1
  type: shell
  version: 2.1.0
  role: ['/.*/']
    cmd: echo "test_1" >> /etc/test_file
    timeout: 30
- id: test_2
  type: shell
  version: 2.1.0
  role: ['/.*/']
    cmd: echo "test_2" >> /etc/test_file
    timeout: 30
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel2 graph upload -e1 -t testgraph -f /tmp/new_graph.yaml
Deployment graph was successfully uploaded.
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel2 graph execute -e1 -t testgraph
Deployment task with id 55 for the environment 1 has been started.
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel2 task list
| id | status | name | graph_type | cluster | result | dry_run | progress |
| 55 | ready | deploy | None | 1 | {} | False | 100 |
| 56 | ready | deployment | testgraph | 1 | {} | False | 100 |
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel2 task history show 56
| task_name | node_id | status | time_start | time_end |
| test_1 | 1 | ready | 2016-10-18T12:38:57.583700 | 2016-10-18T12:39:04.777456 |
| test_2 | 1 | ready | 2016-10-18T12:38:46.444014 | 2016-10-18T12:38:57.410797 |
[root@nailgun ~]# ssh node-1 "cat /etc/test_file"
Warning: Permanently added 'node-1' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

So, closed as invalid.