Comment 0 for bug 1609877

Revision history for this message
Andrey Lavrentyev (alavrentyev) wrote :

Detailed bug description:
Node failed to become online after warm reboot.
TimeoutError: Node u'slave-01' failed to become online

Swarm failure:

Steps to reproduce:
Execute 'network_config_consistency_on_reboot' test with:
1. Revert snapshot with 5 slaves
2. Create cluster (HA) with Neutron VLAN
3. Add 3 controller and 1 compute + cinder nodes
4. Upload 'default_ovs' network template
5. Create custom network groups basing on template endpoints assignments
6. Run network verification
7. Deploy cluster and run basic health checks
8. Run network verification
9. Check L3 network configuration on slaves
10. Check that services are listening on their networks only
11. Reboot a node << Failed here
12. Run network verification
13. Check L3 network configuration on slaves
14. Check that services are listening on their networks only
15. Run OSTF

Expected results:
node reboot is a success

Actual result:
node reboot leads to timeout error

Swarm failure

Description of the environment:
Description of the environment:
9.1 snapshot #90
[root@nailgun log]# shotgun2 short-report
cat /etc/fuel_build_id:
cat /etc/fuel_build_number:
cat /etc/fuel_release:
cat /etc/fuel_openstack_version:
rpm -qa | egrep 'fuel|astute|network-checker|nailgun|packetary|shotgun':

MOS_CENTOS_OS_MIRROR_ID: os-2016-06-23-135731
MOS_CENTOS_PROPOSED_MIRROR_ID: proposed-2016-08-03-150320
MOS_CENTOS_UPDATES_MIRROR_ID: updates-2016-06-23-135916
MOS_CENTOS_SECURITY_MIRROR_ID: security-2016-06-23-140002
MOS_CENTOS_HOLDBACK_MIRROR_ID: holdback-2016-06-23-140047
MOS_UBUNTU_MIRROR_ID: 9.0-2016-08-03-144320
UBUNTU_MIRROR_ID: ubuntu-2016-08-02-170656
CENTOS_MIRROR_ID: centos-7.2.1511-2016-05-31-083834
