Comment 6 for bug 1590375

Revision history for this message
Aleksandr Didenko (adidenko) wrote : Re: Unlock settings tab is failing with network issues

Between those two deployment runs "Assign public network to all nodes" feature was enabled. So during the first deployment default gateway was overrided to vrouter VIP:

2016-06-08 00:56:47 +0000 /Stage[main]/Osnailyfacter::Netconfig::Hiera_default_route/File[/etc/hiera/override/configuration/default_route.yaml]/ensure (notice): defined content as '{md5}c091969d5740a511dfcb9ffd5164bffd'

And during the second run gateway override was removed as expected:

2016-06-08 00:59:49 +0000 /Stage[main]/Osnailyfacter::Netconfig::Hiera_default_route/File[/etc/hiera/override/configuration/default_route.yaml]/ensure (notice): removed

But one thing was not expected - globals.yaml. Task 'globals.pp' is being run before 'netconfig/hiera_default_route.pp' and it "cached" whole network_scheme with both default gateways.

In order to fix this and other LCM cases related to network scheme changes we should remove 'network_scheme' from globals.yaml.