Comment 0 for bug 1587047

Revision history for this message
Ilya Chukhnakov (ichukhnakov) wrote :

Detailed bug description:
The swift-object-reconstructor and swift-container-reconciler services fail to start and restart endlessly.

Steps to reproduce:
1. deploy a new environment from the Fuel WebUI
2. check dmesg for the following repeating messages on the controller nodes:
   swift-object-reconstructor main process (5143) terminated with status 1
   swift-object-reconstructor main process ended, respawning
   swift-container-reconciler main process (8570) terminated with status 1
   swift-container-reconciler main process ended, respawning

Expected results:
Successful startup of container-reconciler and object-reconstructor

Actual result:
The swift-object-reconstructor and swift-container-reconciler services fail to start

When started manually, produce the following errors:
swift@node-1$ /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/swift-container-reconciler /etc/swift/container-server.conf
Unable to find container-reconciler config section in /etc/swift/container-server.conf

swift@node-1$ /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/swift-object-reconstructor /etc/swift/object-server.conf
Unable to find object-reconstructor config section in /etc/swift/object-server.conf

echo '[container-reconciler]' >> /etc/swift/container-server.conf
echo '[object-reconstructor]' >> /etc/swift/object-server.conf

1. container-reconciler and object-reconstructor are not working
2. increased CPU consumption due to OS trying to restart services

Description of the environment:
MOS 9.0 build 372

OpenStack Release: Mitaka on Ubuntu 14.04
Compute: QEMU
Network: Neutron with tunneling segmentation
Storage Backends: Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes
No additional projects/plugins

Total Nodes: 5
Controller + Cinder: 3
Compute: 2