Comment 0 for bug 1580295

Revision history for this message
Alex Schultz (alex-schultz) wrote :

Since the setup_repositories task has been moved to library, it does not properly depend on the puppet core sync task. If you attempt to configure 0 controllers and leverage a custom plugin to setup a node prior to controller deployment, the node will fail because setup_repositories fails with:

2016-05-10 18:15:14 +0000 Puppet (err): Could not run: Could not find file /etc/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/modular/fuel_pkgs/setup_repositories.p

Steps to reproduce:
1) create plugin with a new role to do basic setup tasks through netconfig. Here is an example group for the deployment_tasks.yaml:
- id: fuel-plugin-something
  type: group
  version: 2.0.0
  role: [primary-something-controller, something-controller, something-else]
  tasks: &common_tasks
    - hiera
    - setup_repositories
    - fuel_pkgs
    - globals
    - tools
    - logging
    - netconfig
    - hosts
  requires: [deploy_start]
  required_form: [deploy_end]
      type: parallel

2) update environment to set min controller requirements to 0
3) apply new role to some nodes
4) deploy

Expected results:
The nodes should be deployed successfully with tasks up to netconfig.

Actual results:
Nodes fail on setup_repositories due to missing file that hasn't been synced yet.