Comment 0 for bug 1565026

Revision history for this message
Stanislaw Bogatkin (sbogatkin) wrote :

Fuel 9.0, current master (have caught this on custom #1308 ISO).

1. Create env, add 1 controller, 2 compute. Start deploy.
2. After successful deployment, delete one node (from UI, for example)
3. Run `fuel deploy-changes --env-id <real id>` from master node

1. There will be a cli which will show a progress of redeployment

Real result:
2. After node deletion and resetting progress broke in a half of a process with error:

[root@nailgun modules]# fuel deploy-changes --env-id 1
404 Client Error: Not Found for url: (Node not found)
[root@nailgun modules]#

Node 5 there is the node which was deleted.

Actual redeployment process didn't stopped, though