Comment 12 for bug 1538058

Revision history for this message
Andrey Nikitin (heos) wrote :

The script doesn't work, related the link on a log:

The following files are presented:

root@custom-scripts-slave01:~# ls -lh /etc/custom_scripts/escalate-reviews/
total 8.0K
-rw------- 1 root root 914 Mar 15 12:54 escalate-reviews.conf
-rw------- 1 root root 3.2K Mar 15 09:49

The body of 'escalate-reviews.conf' file:

smtp-host =
smtp-port = 587
smtp-user = <email address hidden>
smtp-pass = <hidden_password>
smtp-from = <email address hidden>
smtp-mode = STARTTLS
email-subject = Openstack commit escalations: some changes are in need of review!
email-body-plain = /opt/escalate-reviews/emails/escalate.txt
mail-on-weekends = False

gerrit-host =
gerrit-port = 29418
gerrit-user = fuel-devops-change-escalator
keyfile = /etc/custom_scripts/escalate-reviews/
query = project:^openstack/fuel-.* -project:^openstack/fuel-plugin-.* status:open branch:master -label:Workflow<0 -label:Workflow>0 -label:Verified<0 -label:Code-Review<0
escalation-delay = 2
escalation-delay-serious = 4
managers = <email address hidden>
core-team-file ={project}/master/MAINTAINERS
guess-core-team = False
guess-core-period = 4w

If you want to test this script with proper credentials, please contact me, I'll send it by a private message.