Comment 19 for bug 1533682

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Pawel Brzozowski (pbrzozowski) wrote :

Few words about what I have checked after some chat with Sergii.

1. I would not blame mirror for this failure (@sergk). First of all mirror (this particular snapshot) was untouched since this happend - someone said it was working most of the time + it's working now if I set it in sources for some trusty instance I have.

2. I have checked network usage on both nodes - it was very small that time, not loaded with anything. It seems really weird that some download speeds were so horibbly slow: "Fetched 864 kB in 2min 0s (7,162 B/s)". Too bad we can not tell what was the real capacity between these two hosts at that time. Currently it's really huge.

3. Sergii asked me to check few other details about seed-cz1 host - iptables limits, Nginx configuration, host performance - all seems to be fine, no limits reached of any kind.

4. There is another thing which may be releveant to this issue. Mirrors mentioned here:

 'mos-updates': 'deb{cluster.release.environment_version}/ mos8.0-updates main restricted', priority:1050
'mos-security': 'deb{cluster.release.environment_version}/ mos8.0-security main restricted', priority:1050
 'mos-holdback': 'deb{cluster.release.environment_version}/ mos8.0-holdback main restricted', priority:1100

can AFAIK have broken integrity quite often with big gaps. @Max could probably say something more about this.

Could this be related?