Comment 9 for bug 1531509

Revision history for this message
Max Mazur (mmaxur) wrote :

I faced with same issue and did small investigation

Looks like at least in my case for some reason firewall on elasticsearch node was not configured in correct way.
I was not able to connect to elastic search --> heka was not able to get messages --> collectd was not able to send messages

I re-applyed firewall.pp manually:

cd /etc/fuel/plugins/elasticsearch_kibana-0.8/ && puppet apply -d -v --modulepath=puppet/modules:/etc/puppet/modules puppet/manifests/firewall.pp

Diff between iptables config before and after:

diff /root/iptables-save /root/iptables-save-1
< # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Mon Feb 29 17:32:47 2016
> # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Mon Feb 29 17:34:53 2016
< :FORWARD ACCEPT [19:3138]
< :OUTPUT ACCEPT [36633:56370787]
> :OUTPUT ACCEPT [256:179808]
> -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --ports 9200 -m comment --comment "100 elasticsearch" -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --ports 80 -m comment --comment "101 kibana" -j ACCEPT
< # Completed on Mon Feb 29 17:32:47 2016
> # Completed on Mon Feb 29 17:34:53 2016

After that I restarted collectd (kill -9 to stop it) and now it looks OK.

So for the first view it looks like puppet-related issue, not heka or collectd