Comment 11 for bug 1530119

Revision history for this message
Bartosz Kupidura (zynzel) wrote :

This env was deployed with old plugin version:
root@node-1:/etc/fuel/plugins/detach-keystone-1.0# grep -c 'path to public ssl keypair' /var/log/puppet.log
root@node-1:/etc/fuel/plugins/detach-keystone-1.0# grep 'public_ssl' /etc/fuel/plugins/detach-keystone-1.0/keystone-controller.pp
$public_ssl_hash = hiera('public_ssl')
  public_ssl => $public_ssl_hash['services'],

How this should look like:
131156:banshee.local$ grep 'public_ssl' keystone-controller.pp
$public_ssl_hash = hiera('public_ssl')
$public_ssl = get_ssl_property($ssl_hash, $public_ssl_hash, 'keystone', 'public', 'usage', false)
$public_ssl_path = get_ssl_property($ssl_hash, $public_ssl_hash, 'keystone', 'public', 'path', [''])
  public_ssl => $public_ssl,
  public_ssl_path => $public_ssl_path,

Please rerun test with laster master of detach-keystone plugin