Comment 14 for bug 1520574

Revision history for this message
Denis Egorenko (degorenko) wrote :

So, i see validation error in logs:

2015-12-10T10:39:20.134321+00:00 debug: Validation Error occurred: error_code=400, error_message=None is not of type 'string', error_name=VALIDATION_ERROR
2015-12-10T10:39:20.139334+00:00 info: - - [10/Dec/2015 10:39:20] "POST /v1.1/51c94ec90c2245d5929f53709dd51584/node-group-templates HTTP/1.1" 400 239 0.007639

For creating sahara templates we use resources from neutron (external network id) and nova flavor id. It seems like some problem with getting neutron external network id. Can you please tell me, which version of Contrail plugin did you used?