Comment 7 for bug 1496328

Revision history for this message
Alexey Stupnikov (astupnikov) wrote : Re: custom roles: "limits: max" constraint has an unpredictable behavior

1. Use LMA Nagios (fuel-plugin-lma-infrastructure-alerting) or ElasticSearch/Kibana (fuel-plugin-elasticsearch-kibana) plugins
# wget

2. Install plugin:
# fuel plugins --install lma_infrastructure_alerting-0.8-0.8.0-1.noarch.rpm
# fuel plugins
id | name | version | package_version
1 | lma_infrastructure_alerting | 0.8.0 | 3.0.0

3. Create new environment [Fuel WEB UI]

4. Enable and configure LMA plugin on the settings tab

5. Add three controller nodes

Result: you can't add a node with "LMA Infrastructure Alerting" role