Comment 3 for bug 1491320

Revision history for this message
Dima Shulyak (dshulyak) wrote :

Currently this problem is reproducible on Anastasia environment, for some reason we have hanged puppet from previous deployment..

28895 ? Ssl 0:26 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/puppet apply /etc/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/modular/keystone/keystone.pp --modulepath=/etc/puppet/modules --logdest syslog --trace --no-report --debug --evaltrace --logdest /var/log/puppet.log
root@node-6:~# ps -o lstart= -p 28895
Tue Sep 1 15:19:58 2015

And now each time when you want to start new puppet - astute concludes that puppet is hung