Comment 7 for bug 1483968

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Aliaksandr Buhayeu (abuhayeu) wrote :

Hi guys!

I have started to working on this bug, and want to clarify the actual script requirements. Here are a few questions:

- Is workflow proposed from @dborodaenko shows how it supposed to work? (despite the fact that it would be separate script as @heos mentioned)? Or maybe the @teran version should be implemented (just migrate all bugs from one milestone to another)?

- Should it try to retrieve current target milestone automatically (as dev_focus) and the old milestone from which we migrate the bugs would be the one with the date closest to it, but in the past, or config / run options would be enough?

- And the last one. In case we need migration for example from 7.0 to 8.0, does that "from" includes all other "7.0-mu', '7.0-updates', .. milestones as well, or it should be strict to the one specified?

Appreciate comments!