Comment 5 for bug 1454364

Revision history for this message
Aviram Bar-Haim (aviramb) wrote :

Alex, vip__public Stopped at Amichay's CentOS env too with no ping from outside..

[root@node-4 ~]# crm resource show
 Clone Set: clone_p_vrouter [p_vrouter]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 vip__management (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started
 vip__public_vrouter (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started
 vip__management_vrouter (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Started
 vip__public (ocf::fuel:ns_IPaddr2): Stopped
 Clone Set: clone_p_haproxy [p_haproxy]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_mysql [p_mysql]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Master/Slave Set: master_p_rabbitmq-server [p_rabbitmq-server]
     Masters: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_neutron-openvswitch-agent [p_neutron-openvswitch-agent]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_neutron-dhcp-agent [p_neutron-dhcp-agent]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_neutron-metadata-agent [p_neutron-metadata-agent]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_neutron-l3-agent [p_neutron-l3-agent]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_openstack-heat-engine [p_openstack-heat-engine]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Clone Set: clone_p_dns [p_dns]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]
 Clone Set: clone_ping_vip__public [ping_vip__public]
     Started: [ node-4.domain.tld ]

However, glance call indeed uses internal IP but fails:

[root@node-4 ~]# glance -d image-create --name 'TestVM' --is-public 'true' --container-format='bare' --disk-format='qcow2' --min-ram='64' --file '/opt/vm/cirros-x86_64-disk.img'
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/glanceclient/ DeprecationWarning: `version` keyword is being deprecated. Please pass the version as part of the URL. http://$HOST:$PORT/v$VERSION_NUMBER
curl -i -X POST -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress' -H 'x-image-meta-container_format: bare' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}bc4cacea163762b4ec6d80f1fc04cc48d94d942f' -H 'x-image-meta-size: 13167616' -H 'x-image-meta-is_public: True' -H 'x-image-meta-min_ram: 64' -H 'User-Agent: python-glanceclient' -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' -H 'x-image-meta-disk_format: qcow2' -H 'x-image-meta-name: TestVM'
Request returned failure status 400.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/glanceclient/", line 637, in main
    args.func(client, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/glanceclient/v1/", line 232, in do_image_create
    image = gc.images.create(**fields)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/glanceclient/v1/", line 288, in create
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/glanceclient/common/", line 262, in post
    return self._request('POST', url, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/glanceclient/common/", line 227, in _request
    raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.content)
HTTPBadRequest: <html>
  <title>400 Bad Request</title>
  <h1>400 Bad Request</h1>
  Client disconnected before sending all data to backend<br /><br />

</html> (HTTP 400)
  <title>400 Bad Request</title>
  <h1>400 Bad Request</h1>
  Client disconnected before sending all data to backend<br /><br />

</html> (HTTP 400)