Comment 11 for bug 1444459

Revision history for this message
Alexander Evseev (aevseev) wrote :

I have this issue with Fuel 6.1 build 352.

# fuel --fuel-version
DEPRECATION WARNING: file /etc/fuel/client/config.yaml is found and will be used as a source for settings. However, it deprecated and will not be used by default in the ongoing version of python-fuelclient.
api: '1.0'
astute_sha: c1793f982fda7e3fc7b937ccaa613c649be6a144
auth_required: true
build_id: 2015-04-26_22-54-38
build_number: '352'
- mirantis
fuel-library_sha: 6bdf783e2bffdce80ecffcca2915e6d32a8ccdd7
fuel-ostf_sha: b38602c841deaa03ddffc95c02f319360462cbe3
fuelmain_sha: 01288380950bc89d572cf5902141c9a393ada950
nailgun_sha: f9f17fe395f3e38c27d3d484302728a37ad8012d
openstack_version: 2014.2.2-6.1
production: docker
python-fuelclient_sha: 2b311b3b82a1e2df1dc3484a0f37e282273cd988
release: '6.1'
      api: '1.0'
      astute_sha: c1793f982fda7e3fc7b937ccaa613c649be6a144
      build_id: 2015-04-26_22-54-38
      build_number: '352'
      - mirantis
      fuel-library_sha: 6bdf783e2bffdce80ecffcca2915e6d32a8ccdd7
      fuel-ostf_sha: b38602c841deaa03ddffc95c02f319360462cbe3
      fuelmain_sha: 01288380950bc89d572cf5902141c9a393ada950
      nailgun_sha: f9f17fe395f3e38c27d3d484302728a37ad8012d
      openstack_version: 2014.2.2-6.1
      production: docker
      python-fuelclient_sha: 2b311b3b82a1e2df1dc3484a0f37e282273cd988
      release: '6.1'

Two virtual nodes: one controller + Ceph OSD and one compute + Ceph OSD, both not loading.
More info about partitioning:

# fuel node --node 11 --disk --download
Node attributes for disks were written to:

# cat /root/node_11/disks.yaml
- extra:
  - disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi0-0-0
  id: disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:03.0-scsi-0:0:0:0
  name: sda
  size: 101836
  - name: os
    size: 28672
  - name: cephjournal
    size: 0
  - name: ceph
    size: 73164

# fuel node --node 12 --disk --download
Node attributes for disks were written to:

# cat /root/node_12/disks.yaml
- extra:
  - disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi0-0-0
  id: disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:03.0-scsi-0:0:0:0
  name: sda
  size: 101772
  - name: os
    size: 28672
  - name: vm
    size: 36550
  - name: cephjournal
    size: 0
  - name: ceph
    size: 36550