Comment 1 for bug 1439087

Revision history for this message
Roman Podoliaka (rpodolyaka) wrote :

A good blog post on quotas -

So this should look something like:

1) on controller nodes: set max_age=86400 and util_refresh=50 in nova.conf to make sure quota usage values are refreshed once a day or once per 50 VMs launched

2) on controller nodes: set quota_driver=nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver to enable quotas in Nova

3) on controller nodes: restarted nova services

   ubuntu: service nova-api restart; service nova-conductor restart
   centos: service openstack-nova-api restart; service openstack-nova-conductor restart

4) on controller nodes:


              'nova': True,

to /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/

5) restart Horizon:

    ubuntu: service apache2 reload
    centos: service httpd reload