Comment 19 for bug 1418921

Revision history for this message
Alex Schultz (alex-schultz) wrote :

I was able to replicate by doing the following:

1) start cluster, have all nodes check in.
2) stop two nodes (slave-2, slave-3)
3) remove the two nodes from /var/lib/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases within the cobbler container.
4) restart cobbler container
5) start the node who had the higher IP (slave-3)
6) the node will come up with the lower IP address (slave-2)

The output of fuel node list will show the same IP address for node 3 as node 2 but node 2 is shown as offline.
id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | roles | pending_roles | online | group_id
2 | discover | Untitled (f3:09) | None | | 08:00:27:ed:f3:09 | | | False | None
1 | discover | Untitled (9a:74) | None | | 08:00:27:17:9a:74 | | | True | None
3 | discover | Untitled (96:48) | None | | 08:00:27:dd:96:48 | | | True | None

7) If you start node-2, it will come up but get a new IP address and be reporting as online.
id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | roles | pending_roles | online | group_id
2 | discover | Untitled (f3:09) | None | | 08:00:27:ed:f3:09 | | | True | None
1 | discover | Untitled (9a:74) | None | | 08:00:27:17:9a:74 | | | True | None
3 | discover | Untitled (96:48) | None | | 08:00:27:dd:96:48 | | | True | None

In looking at the original report for this bug, it seems to report this specific issue. For nodes that are listed for the address, one is online (online=True) and one is offline (online=False). From my testing it does not appear that this is a problem as when the node that is offline comes back and gets the new IP, the addresses are updated in the system. I would propose that this be set to Invalid as there isn't any actual issue with this occurring when this happens.