Comment 0 for bug 1417998

Revision history for this message
Egor Kotko (ykotko) wrote :

{"build_id": "2015-02-03_22-55-01", "ostf_sha": "c9100263140008abfcc2704732e98fbdfd644068", "build_number": "96", "release_versions": {"2014.2-6.1": {"VERSION": {"build_id": "2015-02-03_22-55-01", "ostf_sha": "c9100263140008abfcc2704732e98fbdfd644068", "build_number": "96", "api": "1.0", "nailgun_sha": "62dd62897850795fa35d2f359cf4f310d33f65c5", "production": "docker", "python-fuelclient_sha": "2ea7b3e91c1d2ff85110bf5abb161a6f4e537358", "astute_sha": "ed5270bf9c6c1234797e00bd7d4dd3213253a413", "feature_groups": ["mirantis"], "release": "6.1", "fuelmain_sha": "", "fuellib_sha": "2147da0c583a7944f440ceb51236e7cb2e6610c9"}}}, "auth_required": true, "api": "1.0", "nailgun_sha": "62dd62897850795fa35d2f359cf4f310d33f65c5", "production": "docker", "python-fuelclient_sha": "2ea7b3e91c1d2ff85110bf5abb161a6f4e537358", "astute_sha": "ed5270bf9c6c1234797e00bd7d4dd3213253a413", "feature_groups": ["mirantis"], "release": "6.1", "fuelmain_sha": "", "fuellib_sha": "2147da0c583a7944f440ceb51236e7cb2e6610c9"} - failed with error -
[400] Timeout of provisioning is exceeded. Nodes not booted: ["3"]

HA Ubuntu GRE

            1. Create cluster
            2. Add 1 node with controller role
            3. Add 2 nodes with compute role
            4. Deploy the cluster
            5. Run network verification
            6. Run OSTF

One of nodes is inacessible via mcollective:

[root@nailgun ~]# mco ping
2 time=51.74 ms
1 time=52.29 ms
master time=56.37 ms

---- ping statistics ----
3 replies max: 56.37 min: 51.74 avg: 53.47