Comment 0 for bug 1364068

Revision history for this message
Kirill Omelchenko (komelchenko) wrote : puppet: Couldn't update python-routes package during cluster update

1. Setup fuel maste node from 5.0-26 iso
2. Create a cluster of next conf:
- HA, CentOS, NovaVlan
- 1 Controller
- 1 Compute
- 1 Cinder
3. Setup (is successful)
4. upgrade master node with the help of the tar ball
(in my case it was fuel-master-upgrade-491)
5. Update the env from 2014.1 to 2014.1.1-5.0.2

Update finishes successfully.

Update has failed. Check these nodes:
'Untitled (xx:xx)'
During update the next error appeared in puppet log on the controller:

More logs are in the attached archive.
During update the next error appeared in puppet log on the controller:

More logs are in the attached snapshot.