Comment 6 for bug 1324859

Revision history for this message
Artem Panchenko (apanchenko-8) wrote :

Reproduced on ISO # 336:

{"build_id": "2014-06-02_18-24-56", "mirantis": "yes", "build_number": "336", "nailgun_sha": "a828d6b7610f872980d5a2113774f1cda6f6810b", "ostf_sha": "c959aa55f83fe2555cf2d382559271c7a9b17467", "fuelmain_sha": "8ed4269439efd09027e1e4e89d49e366604375ff", "astute_sha": "55df06b2e84fa5d71a1cc0e78dbccab5db29d968", "release": "4.1B", "fuellib_sha": "7a0bc0c733afdc02f30dc848579c8cce12b64ebd"}

Here is the part of puppet logs (node-1):

<27>Jun 2 19:05:30 node-1 puppet-apply[30524]: (/Stage[main]/Neutron::Server/Service[neutron-server]/ensure) change from stopped to running failed: Could not start Service[neutron-server]: Execution of '/sbin/service neutron-server start' returned 6: at /etc/puppet/modules/neutron/manifests/server.pp:93

and commands outputs:

[root@fuelweb ~]# ssh node-1 "/sbin/service neutron-server start; echo $?"

neutron-db-check: ERROR: neutron database does not have version information. You must run the "neutron-db-manage stamp" command before starting neutron services.

[root@fuelweb ~]# ssh node-1 "neutron-db-manage --config-file /usr/share/neutron/neutron-dist.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini stamp head"

No handlers could be found for logger "neutron.common.legacy"
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.

[root@fuelweb ~]# ssh node-1 "/sbin/service neutron-server start; echo $?"

Starting neutron: [ OK ]