Comment 0 for bug 1324200

Revision history for this message
Simon Monette (simon-monette) wrote :

When trying to edit a ks profile with cobbler on the fuel server only the first argument of the --kopts parameter is taken,

#Current setting
[root@fuel ~]# cobbler profile report --name bootstrap |grep Kernel
Kernel Options : {'url': ''}

#Edit profile
[root@fuel ~]# cobbler profile edit --name bootstrap --kopts "url= biosdevname=0 console=ttyS0,115200"

# Profile afterward:
[root@fuel ~]# cobbler profile report --name bootstrap |grep Kernel
Kernel Options : {'url': ''}

If I invert the order of the parameters, again only the first argument will be taken,

#Edit profile
[root@fuel ~]# cobbler profile edit --name bootstrap --kopts "console=ttyS0,115200 url= biosdevname=0"

# Profile afterward:
[root@fuel ~]# cobbler profile report --name bootstrap |grep Kernel
Kernel Options : {'console': 'ttyS0,115200'}

I searched the cobbler documentation and the syntax did not appear to have change since the last release.
These commands worked with Fuel 4.1.

Thank you.