Comment 0 for bug 1288831

Revision history for this message
Bogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) wrote : RabbitMQ HA regression

{"build_id": "2014-03-04_12-31-13", "mirantis": "yes", "build_number": "112", "nailgun_sha": "d98b61e073d32c45c98099a11ff263a68b7ba205", "ostf_sha": "dc54d99ddff2f497b131ad1a42362515f2a61afa", "fuelmain_sha": "16637e2ea0ae6fe9a773aceb9d76c6e3a75f6c3b", "astute_sha": "f15f5615249c59c826ea05d26707f062c88db32a", "release": "4.1", "fuellib_sha": "15a55ccff0f59929b32d087679d19e896bde8e0d"}

Deploy Centos HA, nova-network FLATdhcp, tagged interfaces, DEBUG=TRUE: 3 controllers, 1 compute

- RabbitMQ is broken and won't start back, after reboot it starts but remains unoperational.
- None of the Openstack services start after controller node reboot
- 'heat list' hangs every the time after RabbitMQ was stopped for the 1st time.

Console actions and results:

*Pre-patched behavior*
{"build_id": "2014-02-26_13-39-45", "mirantis": "yes", "build_number": "211", "nailgun_sha": "ea08cef3e06a72f47cfaa8cd8fe6d034e2cf722e", "ostf_sha": "8e6681b6d06c7cb20a84c1cc740d5f2492fb9d85", "fuelmain_sha": "baa8bb07393698f1186cb67bb65f1b93907c59bd", "astute_sha": "10cccc87f2ee35510e43c8fa19d2bf916ca1fced", "release": "4.1", "fuellib_sha": "0a2e5bdc01c1e3bb285acb7b39125101e950ac72"}
Centos HA, nova-network FLATdhcp, tagged interfaces: 3 controllers, 1 compute

[root@node-7 ~]# service rabbitmq-server stop
[root@node-7 ~]# . openrc; heat list
[root@node-7 ~]# service rabbitmq-server start
Starting rabbitmq-server: RabbitMQ is going to make 3 attempts to find master node and start.
3 attempts left to start RabbitMQ Server before consider start failed.
[root@node-7 ~]# rabbitmqctl list_queues

Reboot the node, and check:
[root@node-7 ~]chkconfig | grep openstack | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 -I{} service {} status
(All OS services are running)

*Patched behavior*
{"build_id": "2014-03-04_12-31-13", "mirantis": "yes", "build_number": "112", "nailgun_sha": "d98b61e073d32c45c98099a11ff263a68b7ba205", "ostf_sha": "dc54d99ddff2f497b131ad1a42362515f2a61afa", "fuelmain_sha": "16637e2ea0ae6fe9a773aceb9d76c6e3a75f6c3b", "astute_sha": "f15f5615249c59c826ea05d26707f062c88db32a", "release": "4.1", "fuellib_sha": "15a55ccff0f59929b32d087679d19e896bde8e0d"}
Centos HA, nova-network FLATdhcp, tagged interfaces: 3 controllers, 1 compute

[root@node-7 ~]# service rabbitmq-server stop
[root@node-7 ~]# . openrc; heat list

[root@node-1 ~]# service rabbitmq-server start
Starting rabbitmq-server: RabbitMQ is going to make 3 attempts to find master node and start.
3 attempts left to start RabbitMQ Server before consider start failed.

If reboot the node, rabbitMQ starts, but:
[root@node-1 ~]# rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node 'rabbit@node-1' ...
[root@node-1 ~]# rabbitmqctl list_queues
Listing queues ...

=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Mar-2014::14:50:04 ===
Discarding message {'$gen_call',{<0.17752.11>,#Ref<>},{info,[name,messages]}} from <0.17752.11> to <0.1694.0> in an old incarnation (1) of this node (2)

[root@node-1 ~]# rabbitmqctl list_consumers
Listing consumers ...

=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Mar-2014::14:55:37 ===
Discarding message {'$gen_call',{<0.2839.13>,#Ref<>},consumers} from <0.2839.13> to <0.1694.0> in an old incarnation (1) of this node (2)

Reboot the node, and check:
[root@node-7 ~]chkconfig | grep openstack | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 -I{} service {} status
(All OS services are stopped)